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Here are contextual links for the book and author.
“In ALMOST AMERICAN GIRL, the universal language of comics connected Robin Ha to her new culture (The Beat)
“Immigration as Inspiration: Who gets to be an all-American girl?” (Bitch Media)
“Cartoonist Robin Ha Thinks Inside the Box” (Kirkus Reviews)
Genre Guide: Graphic Memoirs (The Hub)
Autobiographical comics (Wikipedia)
Guiding questions:
From The Library Ladies
How does Ha’s immigration experience compare to others you’ve read? If you’re an immigrant, how does it compare to your own experience?
What did you think of the artwork in this book? Was there anything in particular that stood out to you?
How did you react to Robin’s mother’s parts of this book? Did you feel like you understood the choices that she made?
How did you react to this depiction of a blended family?
Do you think that today Robin would have had the same experience when coming to a completely new culture and country? Why or why not?
How did you feel about where she ended the story in terms of where she was in her life at the time? Did that seem like a good way to wrap the story up?